Archive for the 'blog' Category

My new domain name

h1 Thursday, February 16th, 2012

I’ve been thinking of writing a lot more recently but I didn’t think this was the best place to continue with writing. I bought another domain name: This will be the place I put everything I do on the internet. I have different blogs for different areas I am interested in.

The main page of will just be pointers to articles from other blogs. Mainly for search engines to find and send traffic to my other blogs. This personal blog will be moved to when I am completely satisfied everything is working. I copied lot of my articles over there already. I also copied lot of my older articles I wrote on another website which has been dead for years. Now I have a blog for games: LOTRO, Runescape and Second Life. There’s a blog for every other game I might play or want to talk about also which will have articles from some of my other game blogs.

I also broke things up into a reality TV, all TV, movies and books blog. I might add more if I feel I have more to write about. I’ve been thinking of a food blog writing about recipes I try or just restaurants I go to. I’ll probably open a programming blog too once I get things settled. I am almost finished with it all.