Yahoo Mail Beta!

April 27th, 2006

Want to try out the new Yahoo Mail Beta? Wasn’t invited to try it out or don’t know how to try it? I found a post on that explains how to do it for anyone outside of the United Kingdom. Just need to change your location to English: United Kingdom and get the invitation. Can always change your location back and still have access. If you don’t like the beta version then you can switch back to the current version. The new beta version is nice. Similar to outlook and can be used with the keyboard easily. Try it out and see what you think!

Color Mixer

April 23rd, 2006

If you ever found yourself trying to make a web page with matching colors then I found something for you. It’s called colorMatch Remix! Sometimes when I am building a web page or doing graphic work I find myself using weird colors together. I don’t have a good eye on what colors go with other colors. I constantly find myself going a bit too crazy with the colors. When I found this site I bookmarked it quickly and figured I should post it here for anyone else who needs this help. You just pick a favorite color and it will give you back 6 other colors that will match the original color. Really nice and I’ll be using it from now on!

Magic Link

December 7th, 2005

I’ve always been interested in magic since I was a child. I even tried to do some magic tricks I found in some magazines I had but I wasn’t very good and I was too nervous in front of people. I still loved watching magic tricks and try to figure out how to do them. Recently been fascinated by the process of doing card tricks and other fun stuff. I found this magic trick link that has some great magic tricks for anyone to try. I found some videos of really great trick with a coin, disappearing magician, Flying woman and a cool card trick

Radio stuff

September 9th, 2005

I just found out something new about a radio program I’ve been listening to for years. The program is Frosty, Heidi and frank show on 97.1 in Los Angeles. I haven’t been listening to them for months because I’m just too busy and don’t have a great way for me to listen. I heard that the program is streaming on the website. Now I can listen to them live or save it so I can listen to them later. This is a very good thing because they do make me laugh.

I Also listen to other shows on other stations like John and Ken show onKFI. I can listen to them on the internet also! Probably the closest show I listen to which gets political sometimes. Sometimes they get extreme on issues but I do like the fact that they fight for what they believe in. They do it in a way that kind be vicious to some. I like them mostly cause they don’t follow any of the political party lines that the extreme radio personalities usually do.

I also listen to Coast To Coast AM with George Noory and Art Bell. I’ve been listening to art bell for over 10 years now. I love hearing all the weird people out there who might be aliens or vampires. I’m always willing to hear new conspiracies and mystical things. This show is syndicated every day and can be listened to on the internet!

The funniest show I listen to is Phil Hendrie Show which is syndicated across America. Been listening to him for years also and bought some of his cd’s. I even signed up to his website for a couple of months. I try to record his show myself so I can listen to them later. Hard to explain this show without listening to it first. Can be listened to on the internet for free or from his website by paying.

Of course there are Internet radio only shows also but I’ll post about them in another post in the future.

[tags]radio,internet,phil hendrie,art bell,streaming,johnramirez[/tags]

Google Desktop

August 29th, 2005

There have been a couple of times I needed to find stuff on my computer fast! The windows searching capabilities are terrible. Bad Microsoft! I tried Google Desktop a little while ago and I liked it but rarely ever used it. I keep forgetting I have it installed. So When I heard about the new Google Desktop I needed to try it. It now has a docking capability that has plugins that can add other benefits. I have a 19in monitor so I can give up desktop space. I actually have two monitors with two computers on my desk so I can easily give up space on one of my monitors.

I’ve been happy with Yahoo’s Konfabulator with it’s widgets. Some widgets from there are very useful like website monitor and a timer. One thing it doesn’t have is a way to dock them to the side of the desktop. I don’t like having to resize my windows so I can see the widgets. I don’t want to see a widget over something I am trying to read. Now if google desktop had more plugins like the widgets from yahoo it would be perfect for me. So at this time I can see some benefits to Google desktop but it’s not exactly what I need at this time. I will keep using Konfabulator and google desktop as just a searching capability for now.